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The Arrogance shield

Arrogance has not only been an alerting system for my extreme self concept, it has been a safeguard against vulnerability.  It keeps me from being seen as incompetent, weak, sad, scared, lonely, wounded, inadequate, offended, embarrassing, and poor.  I realize I am all of these in some form.  Being perceived as one of these is enough to activate arrogance, creating a shield to conceal my vulnerability.  This fear of being seen for who I am is enough to short circuit my genuineness and compassion.  My heart is a source of thoughts, not physiologically but metaphorically.  My heart holds my most genuine expressions.  When my arrogance is alive and functioning it not only protects me from being seen as lessor, but also blocks my hearts expressions.  There is a quality to vulnerability that I must investigate further to trust that negative perceptions and interpretations, both external and internal,  are not worth deteriorating my dignity with arrogance.

Immigrating Without Borders

      I immigrated from Albuquerque’s city life to a quieter Santa Fe.  Santa Fe is 50 some odd miles north of Albuquerque along the Camino ...