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Murph...a WOD, a Hero, and a Man

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For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

When I do this WOD I lose feeling in most parts of my body. Lactic acid builds up to the point where I forget its burn. I have never looked forward to resting during a mile run. It makes breathing a luxury and soreness a reminder for me to never believe I am dead until I am dead. I love this shit.  

The Hero In a firefight, with close to a hundred Afghan fighters ambushing his SEAL team of 4, Micheal Murphy could not get a satellite connection to call in support. The most significant piece of his story is his confidence in compassion. The Taliban fighter's who ambushed and pinned his team down were tipped off by goat herders.  These herders had discovered Lt. Murphy's team earlier in the day. It was Lt. Murphy's compassion and that of his team that allowed those herders to live, after a vote on whether the herders discovery of his team should result in their death. He was a vote for their release. Those herders notified the Taliban fighters of their presence and location, resulting in the hunting down of all but one Navy SEAL. During the fire fight Lt Murphy put himself in the direct line of fire because it was the only location he could call in for support. He was shot several times but continued to try and communicate over a sat phone.  For a better write up click here.

The Man
The book Lone Survivor describes Lt Micheal Murphy as a top notch athlete.  He is described as having a never quit attitude.  He was an excellent student.  He was a warrior.  He is an inspiration.  He is my hero.  A humble scrapper who looked for the good in people, even when there was no reason to. 

Immigrating Without Borders

      I immigrated from Albuquerque’s city life to a quieter Santa Fe.  Santa Fe is 50 some odd miles north of Albuquerque along the Camino ...