Music and More

Eggusi Soup and Pounded Yamm

I have the fortunate opportunity to share some time with Emmanuel. He has become a close friend of our family. We know him through his friendship with my brother in law Phillip. He traveled here to play basketball. After a tremendous career with Tennessee, he transferred to New Mexico.

 Due to some medical concerns, he can no longer pursue his dream of playing in the NBA. That makes this time with him extra special. He has a wisdom I like to think is because of growing up humble and having to leave his family at the age of 15. He traveled across the globe to pursue a dream and a fulfill the hope his family had for prosperity in America. So I get to hear stories that are encouraging. We talk happiness, culture, and hope. He has an old soul, but the energy of a humgry and youthful 25 year old. He doesn't fit on my couch, the shower, the kitchen, or his bed but we are happy to have him living with us. So I was able to experience a good home cooked Nigerian meal.

Immigrating Without Borders

      I immigrated from Albuquerque’s city life to a quieter Santa Fe.  Santa Fe is 50 some odd miles north of Albuquerque along the Camino ...