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The Body is only as intelligent as its stupidest cell...

Don't be that stupid cell....Haaaaaaaa
Interesting look at how we are adjusting to the lack of resources and lack of common sense when it comes to sustainability.  It seems ignorant to me to continue to support communities that inefficiently stretch and waste natural resources to satisfy a lifestyle of tomfoolery.  Las Vegas demonstrates the not so brilliance of "America the great".

This demonstrates that not only do we as individuals refuse to see our blemishes and self destruction but we then contribute to a societal influence that chooses to ignore the observations and reflections that indicate our world is changing in concerning ways. We are even arguing that it doesn't mean anything.  Is it being irresponsible or a worry wart?  Keep the mirrors in all forms up and around that way we'll learn to look at ourselves in many conditions, perspectives, and angles. We may not care what we do to ourselves but I have begun to consider what I leave for my grandchildren and even worry what my children will need to adjust to.

Immigrating Without Borders

      I immigrated from Albuquerque’s city life to a quieter Santa Fe.  Santa Fe is 50 some odd miles north of Albuquerque along the Camino ...