Music and More

Prayers....they baffle me

So being a man in a dominantly secular culture with a codominant recessive spiritual trait, I often pray secretly.  There is even instruction from my spiritual mentor, to pray secretly in my room, close the door, and keep it secret.  So now sharing that I pray is somewhat vain.

Anyway, I have found nature to be a complete expression of humanity.  This has caused me to map the different qualities in nature with those most have been taught to believe are exclusive to humans..  I want to see myself in the natural beauty that surrounds me.  This reflection should hold both shadows and brilliance.  This visibility of reflection is a prayer that I have sent to the Lord.

For those of you who have notice the forgiveness theme, this is one of the qualities I have been contemplating.   I am being shown that our animal qualities are not so distinct from our human qualities.  The payer I am being sent back is that I am not so superior to the simplest organism, to the point that pain and injustice is beyond them.  I must not only be considerate to the homeless, but also the ecosystem.  The earth is not beyond being wounded, nor are its simplest parts.

This man's research is how God sustains me and keeps me believing in prayer

Immigrating Without Borders

      I immigrated from Albuquerque’s city life to a quieter Santa Fe.  Santa Fe is 50 some odd miles north of Albuquerque along the Camino ...