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Lessons Relearned....maybe!

When a country creates laws, it creates precedent, which often create patterns resulting in a culture of condemnation. This judging culture is susceptible to dogma that lurks in the shadows. As seen in the union disputes around the country. I am a man who is wading through a tsunami of dogma, in my faith and economic communities. We will need to relearn our laws and regulations because I have become lazy in understanding the struggle that created those unions. The convenience factor created by the exhausting efforts of people in the past has allowed me to ignore their struggle. I no longer can feel the pain of struggles past and therefore allow the tearing down of safeguards. This will be interesting because it isn't bad....yet. I think it means that those folks must once again learn the lessons that inspired regulations and laws. It will be a struggle for some, but I also see how it is tearing away at dogma.

I think with bias that pain is the source of conflict between the liberal and conservative. To the liberals detriment it has created fear. To the conservative it has done the same. I even think we fear the same crap. Except for liberals its focused around liberties and with conservatives its focused around prosperity. I can see how the teacher's unions are afraid that they won't be respected, treated with care, or valued. I have to say I think conservatives are afraid of the power educators can have. Both equally mistrust the other.

I recognize this fear in love. Having experiencing a painful divorce, I am afraid to revisit much less relearn the lessons of love. So I can see how the conservative wants to relearn the lessons of bargaining. I can see how teachers are afraid to trust that they will be valued. We don't have a consistent track record on either side. The education system knows it isn't great, and the we as a society expect the best without investing in making it happen. I am excited that change is happening. It inspires me to also risk breaking apart my laws and regulations created from being wounded and relearning the lessons that keep me tucked inside my unions.

Immigrating Without Borders

      I immigrated from Albuquerque’s city life to a quieter Santa Fe.  Santa Fe is 50 some odd miles north of Albuquerque along the Camino ...