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If my God was about converting I wonder why people are evangelizing Christianity, I think He would have converted all to Judaism, as He practiced Judaism. This Easter I am reminded that God came and was an example to the Samaritan, Roman, Gentile, and Jew, without needing to convert cultural tradition and life. This leads me to believe faith wasn't discriminant or oppressive. He led by example not at the expense of tradition, but by tradition. I am a spiritual critic guided by own mistakes, sins, hypocrisies, and limitations. World! Don't argue with me, show me how I should do it healthier. God has given me a mouth to eat, and I foolishly use it as a weapon for my mind, at the expense of my soul. And lastly I have in the past appeared to be Holy, but in this phase of life I desire and aspire to be Holy.......Happy Easter! With love, Enjoy the rest of Spring.

Immigrating Without Borders

      I immigrated from Albuquerque’s city life to a quieter Santa Fe.  Santa Fe is 50 some odd miles north of Albuquerque along the Camino ...