Anthony Weiner has caused a major glitch in the moral fabric that America pretends to display. We are a sexually fueled generation. We are marketed to with what past generations considered pornography. The body has become a stock exchange for instant gratification. It seems as if our imagery of who we should be is manipulated by none other then our pleasure center. I cannot condemn Anthony Weiner because the erotic connection is a powerful force. What I am trying to do is hear his actions.
Embarrassingly, infidelity is something I am guilty of. Watching the spectacle that Anthony Weiner is undergoing leaves me happy to be a nobody. I am also surprised at how so many in the media have not taken a mature perspective and listened to the real story being told. What I see from Anthony Weiner might be a projection from my past being resurrected with the reminder from his circumstances, regardless there is an emotional void this man is experiencing.
He is revealing a major void in the masculine culture. Maybe for this post it is my void. The void is male validation. The void is created by not dealing with our intense desires for pleasure, being desired, and being recognized. These desires are rarely maturely discussed among my masculine clicks. I find it interesting how shameful our desire for pleasure is. It is thought to be feminine to have the feelings of needing to be desired. It is demeaning to need to be recognized.
Having recently embraced texting I see how effective texting is at establishing intimate connections. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of men are "sexting". Having had to experience being a single man again, I have felt like an oddball for not receiving nude photos. But when I look into my daughter's eyes I am thankful that I have restrained from acting on my ever functioning desires. There are times when in a group of men sharing stories of sexting I feel invalidated. I have wanted to be part of this culture, just havn't had the will to make it happen...and not entirely for all the good reasons either. I know that enough consciousness,luck, and misfortune have all stifled my interest in sexting.
It is amazing how influential perversion and nudity fills this void in the male culture. It is confusing how validated I have felt by being considered attractive and how pleasing it is to be sexual.
Anthony Weiner is a symptom to greater Masculine concern. Men open your eyes to what it truly means to be exposed.....and vulnerable.
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
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