I am an Albuquerque citizen, located in the Central Rio Grande Valley, a city in New Mexico, a state in the United States of America, on the North American continent, and I could continue up and down a cosmic hierarchy of fractal proportions, none significant enough to die or kill for. This is what sets the stage, prepares a workbench for my unraveling and dissecting the entangled pieces that have created my shade of Race. I am excited by how persistent I was to address my racism. I feel I was able to encounter my advantages, disadvantages, and the experiences between. I feel I needed to recognize my own racism before I could detach from the entanglement I had with Race. I have reached an understanding that Race only exists because I, along with the civilized world, give it validity through human characteristic and traits like discrimination, competition, and distinction. I have transcended my original dependence on culture, identity, and belonging to step away from these to see how power and privilege in toxicity has shaped the invisible social thresholds that reinforce and amplifies Race. I did not remove them though. E-race-ing racism does not eliminate how we naturally find discrepancies in peoples’ lifestyle.
What Shade of Race are We - Intro
What shade of Race are you? I think we all need to answer this dazzling yet scary question. It is useful to approach this topic. The seeds for my interest in this topic are the origins of Race as a category. I use the theoretical basis that Race grew from an English Christian need to justify slavery. What does race mean to you? I want the world to begin to recognize our outward features as distinctive but not differentiative. I want us to stop using race as a measurement. I have this strong urge to reverse engineer this complex concept. I want to address how it has deteriorated the opportunity for human harmony across regions, nations, and now, more than ever, the globe. My motivation comes from the heated and explosive phenomenon currently ravaging American popularism. My motivation has grown from my passion for feeling empowered after many encounters with feeling incapable, especially due to identifying with a race. I want to unwrap the grip Race has on humanistic productivity. I want to loosen the grip Race has on humanistic symbiosis. The reversal begins with me. I started this idea with answering these questions myself. What shade of Race am I?
I am an Albuquerque citizen, located in the Central Rio Grande Valley, a city in New Mexico, a state in the United States of America, on the North American continent, and I could continue up and down a cosmic hierarchy of fractal proportions, none significant enough to die or kill for. This is what sets the stage, prepares a workbench for my unraveling and dissecting the entangled pieces that have created my shade of Race. I am excited by how persistent I was to address my racism. I feel I was able to encounter my advantages, disadvantages, and the experiences between. I feel I needed to recognize my own racism before I could detach from the entanglement I had with Race. I have reached an understanding that Race only exists because I, along with the civilized world, give it validity through human characteristic and traits like discrimination, competition, and distinction. I have transcended my original dependence on culture, identity, and belonging to step away from these to see how power and privilege in toxicity has shaped the invisible social thresholds that reinforce and amplifies Race. I did not remove them though. E-race-ing racism does not eliminate how we naturally find discrepancies in peoples’ lifestyle.
I am an Albuquerque citizen, located in the Central Rio Grande Valley, a city in New Mexico, a state in the United States of America, on the North American continent, and I could continue up and down a cosmic hierarchy of fractal proportions, none significant enough to die or kill for. This is what sets the stage, prepares a workbench for my unraveling and dissecting the entangled pieces that have created my shade of Race. I am excited by how persistent I was to address my racism. I feel I was able to encounter my advantages, disadvantages, and the experiences between. I feel I needed to recognize my own racism before I could detach from the entanglement I had with Race. I have reached an understanding that Race only exists because I, along with the civilized world, give it validity through human characteristic and traits like discrimination, competition, and distinction. I have transcended my original dependence on culture, identity, and belonging to step away from these to see how power and privilege in toxicity has shaped the invisible social thresholds that reinforce and amplifies Race. I did not remove them though. E-race-ing racism does not eliminate how we naturally find discrepancies in peoples’ lifestyle.
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
As much as I have worked through hate for Donald Trump I have not reached the depths of wanting him to suffer. An attempt on his life was ...
Part 3 Where did the ability to self abuse originate? If I take a critical look at the people in my barrios that perpetrated on the home...
There is a part of the Chicano culture that is ruthless. Even the slightest social struggle creates opportunity for deviance. My family wa...
Part 2 The darker aspects of my culture are simply expressions of communal pain. Without diving into excuses or reasons for class structure...