I find myself having to perform self triage. I am healing a wound and realizing that there are times where I am the deliverer of injustice. In many of my roles as a partner, father, or family member I am unfair and maybe brutally insensitive. I see that this Dr. King day is a reminder to non-violently seek the metaphorical streets of Birmingham in my psyche, shadow, and ego. I have been a racist and might still have lingering hate. I for sure have prejudice. I for sure am a biased man. Let the love that inspired a king to endure the darkness that creates corruption fill my protest banners so I can be reminded to remain free at last.
To the victims of my brutality, I offer this attempt at progress to you. Not so much for the forgivessness but the correction. That others may not have to suffer the same consequences like you. To the communities I have looked on with hate, I hope to continue to understand and grow my compassion for you. May this act of accountability be enough to create an epidemic of improvement that shines bright like a diamond in the sky.
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
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