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▼ is a Risk
I am finding, the more I learn about illness, the body, and science, that what I do is "risk". I take chances. We spend our youth, learning what it means to risk. I have used the feedback from my environments to justify my next risk. As an adolescent I recognized how profitable risk were. I lose site of qualities like consequence, responsibility, ramifications, and failure. As I have aged I have been deflated, marginalized, broken, and lost. This feedback has adjusted my sense of confidence and calibrated my respect for risk.
I am approaching the paradox between innovation and tradition. Being traditional lends itself to conservatism. When I attach to my traditions, I become a conservative. When I reject the tradition I risk the way of the innovator. I find that there is always need for innovation and I see there is always value for custom. I am finding that neither is any fun without the stress from the other. This has inspired the scientist in me. I am ready and eager to experiment. I am wanting to take some risk.