Cool talk about the shadow characteristics of efficiency. When I think of efficiency I think of Crossfit. The revolutionary fitness strategy that applies the latest research and discoveries in fitness in hopes of creating the fittest human beings. I am going to apply this talk to my fitness.
I have grown beyond the Crossfit model, not excluding it, but rather integrating it. I don't call myself a crossfitter, but I do admire the community. I believe it is the fittest community a person can buy. I have found that despite its principles being focused on efficiency and functionality, it is really geared toward being a better crossfitter and heavy aspects of looking stronger, maybe even "Hot"!
As I wanted to apply my Crossfit body to my life, creating a lifestyle, I found that a lot of people who are out there exploring, adventuring, and using functional strength aren't crossfitting. Often they call Crossfit a cult, even those I know in the special forces or SEAL community. I know that Crossfit is an essential ingredient to my wellness, so I hold praise and criticism with curiosity. I do know that I have held an unbalanced appreciation for efficiency that has had a detrimental effect on my ideas and body.
Crossfitters are crossfitting, but are they doing it functionally in the world or in their boxes? Is efficient absolutely efficient? I continue to ChicanoFit, which for now includes Crossfit. I integrate Crossfit, but only so it can make me functional for life outside a "Box". Created with a brother in wellness, M.D. Galen Castillo-Loughrey and I, as we embarked on our bandwagon discovery of Crossfit, found that our methods were slightly unique enough to have a different name. ChicanoFit is our approach to wellness. I will be writing about it, claiming it as a true philosophy towards wellness. I will be calling it a search for joy, where best isn't necessarily the "Best"! I hope it will be a modest and humble path to empowerment. Still considering whether we'll keep our shirts on. {Smiling}
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
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