And neither are my struggles. An uncle used to always say we aren't here for a long time, but here for a good time. Puro good times. Suffering was a perception, lately it feels more like a choice. Here is a little voyage you can take to see the vastness and maybe a declarative on evolution, divinity, spirit, and cosmos. Click the link must have flash.
I am not as important as I wish I was
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
As much as I have worked through hate for Donald Trump I have not reached the depths of wanting him to suffer. An attempt on his life was ...
Part 3 Where did the ability to self abuse originate? If I take a critical look at the people in my barrios that perpetrated on the home...
There is a part of the Chicano culture that is ruthless. Even the slightest social struggle creates opportunity for deviance. My family wa...
Part 2 The darker aspects of my culture are simply expressions of communal pain. Without diving into excuses or reasons for class structure...