What if God did not have perfect in Her vocabulary. What if God looked at perfection as the death of curiosity. What if God designed everything perfectly to have imperfections in order to create the friction that would put into motion processes, systems, and mechanisms that are designed to teach the principles of divinity.
I like to think how we are designed in the image of our creator and yet we be believe that the creator designed everything. So when I see the spider I see God, or at least God's idea. It isn't hard. God in my own understanding is spirit, human, and divinity. I am asked to see three persons as one God. If God Himself can be three persons, and we are made in God's image then why not wonder if we are misunderstanding heterogeneity.
I like to think, we are everything, but with reason, as in often in spirit and rarely in living expression. Like the boundaries that we put on our states. There are no boundaries just imagined lines that we obey and trust serve a purpose. My body is a boundary serving its purpose but imaginary when approached.
What can be labeled as blemished is often where I find the spiritual part of God. When I see deformity, I see God. There is a uniqueness about the flawed, in some cases it is valued beyond others. We have misprints that are cherished for their mistake. When I see the disparity in cultures I see God. When I see one set of people despise another I see God. God has a discriminant aspect too. Some understand it as yin and yang, heaven or hell, or maybe good and evil. I see it as God struggling with God's reflection, just like I do when I stand in front of the mirror. I wonder if God has had that same struggle at times. I know many would think it is foolish to consider that God may be insecure like me. But I am told I am flesh of the creator's flesh.
God might be a tad insecure too. Maybe God is still wondering weather it is better to be wild or civilized. Maybe God is wondering about being humble when it is equally as joyful to be praised. I like to think that God is trying to tell us that there are no incorrect answers, there is no flawed life, or that our perceptions are similar to the infinite dilemmas that have been mulled over by Herself.
God could very well be expressing sadness about having to be seen as Masculine but wondering about the Feminine. What if God found a problem that is still troubling and unsolved. Maybe we are God's latest invention in Beta mode, with several memory leaks, and a short battery life. Maybe we are beautifully orchestrating the synthesis of God's troubles. It may be that God is diagramming personal struggles on a dark board, magically filled with planets and stars, for the sake of dangling problems to be reasoned and worked through.
We like to think that we got it wrong and we are living in sin, but if there is innocent life being labeled as lesser, than God created imperfect beings that are in the image of Itself. Even the lesser is an expression of God. It is not hard for me to consider God being the misunderstood criminal, the impatient parent, or the passionate tycoon. Each of these is design to be their best and at some point in existence there was an imperfection that led to friction. In friction I can see God, or it is when I am most looking for Her. God is love, and I have yet to know love in the context of anything other than perfect, but not as humans use the word perfect.
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
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