The delinquent mind has to be one of the most influential minds in existence. These are the minds that have been neglected by norms, mistreated by convenience, and ignored by efficiency. I have come appreciate the delinquent mind as much as I appreciate the savant mind. The delinquent mind is equally as creative as the savant. We have many new technologies that have been created to adapt to the delinquent mind. The delinquent mind is as efficient in finding shortcuts as the savant mind. The delinquent mind does not fall into the category of common. Often the delinquent mind is left in dismal conditions and molded by misfortune and mayhem. The processes that most people participate in as children like breakfast, school, recess, afternoon snack, leisure activities, dinner, and bedtime don't include the delinquent mind. The delinquent mind is reared in chaos, surprise, and instability. Comfort is not common to the delinquent mind. I think the delinquent mind is restless in acceptance, peace, and uniformity. The delinquent mind is misunderstood and never clear in its message, deliberately mistrusting anyone and most, weeding out those who's intentions are to sabotage the comfort found in being different. The delinquent mind holds part of the truth. The delinquent mind is the consciousness that helps each of us deal with shitty aspect of ourselves and others. The delinquent mind is the willing part of us to die and feel pain. The delinquent mind is the reckless creativity that allows us to go beyond what is seen as rational. The delinquent mind hides behind our shadow, waiting to be punished, and likely the last part of ourselves to be loved.