I've done this in the past, honoring a hero of mine. I will be traveling to Guatemala this summer to support the indigenous communities of Guatemala. Rigoberta has transformed the region iwth her human rights and social justice work for the poorest in Central America. This is a tribute to her efforts. Rigoberta is a wonderful example of naive passion. She has demonstrating that being genuine in small persistent doses leads us to exactly where we are meant to be. She helps me understand that our passions are intertwined with our perspectives. What we are born to do isn't too different from what we are passionate about. Putting them together is what life for me has become.
May I learn to love as Rigoberta loves.
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
As much as I have worked through hate for Donald Trump I have not reached the depths of wanting him to suffer. An attempt on his life was ...
Part 3 Where did the ability to self abuse originate? If I take a critical look at the people in my barrios that perpetrated on the home...
There is a part of the Chicano culture that is ruthless. Even the slightest social struggle creates opportunity for deviance. My family wa...
Part 2 The darker aspects of my culture are simply expressions of communal pain. Without diving into excuses or reasons for class structure...