Elena and Veronica,
I am writing this because the Catholic elite are barking out
moralities that I find distracting to their role in civics.
Birth Control has become a leverage point in social concerns. The
catholic dogma has evolved to believe that medicines that manipulate
your female hormones and reproductive functioning are sinful, yet their
refusal to demonstrate a healthy sexuality remains in my eyes absent.
burdens and responsibilities for becoming a parent are life changing.
And in recent history a majority of them have fallen on the mother.
And the role the Catholic institution plays in raising children is
minimal, often ending after the sacraments. So be prepared for the
Catholic institution to preach to you more than pragmatically support you. Keep in mind also that the institution is made up of celibate members, who most don't fully experience being a parent.
convenience and availability of sex is tempting. The choice for you is
to know when and how to enter into it. Ideally, virginity until
marriage is the pristine path. Practically, life is so unique that I
couldn't expect that ideal for you. I think the only thing I ask is
that you make love a consensual priority before sex, otherwise it
becomes clear that it is carnal. The purpose of sex is subjective but
its gift is life, and life is hard.
I am asking you to be a faithful believer in the Trinity. Be weary of anyone who declares exclusive rights to the trinity or defends their understanding of God. God does not need defending, She/He is beyond our petty moral victories. You will find that wounding and desperation often lead people to religious institutions, leaving the "churches" you find in the phone book to be organized and structured with their wounding at the heart. I use phone book because I hope you come to understand that the church is not confined to a catechism, building, or sacraments. I hope you come to understand a Catholic faith that goes beyond a culture saturated with funny dressed and effeminate men.
I hope that the time we spend together in our human experiences gives you enough wisdom to choose how you practice your faith. My wish for you is to never be intimidated, manipulated, deceived, or guilted into loving God. I hope you know that God understands the complexities that He/She put in front of you, not so much as a standardized test but an example of the brilliance chaos and order create. I hope you learn to suffer as I have found that happiness tastes so much better in concert with pain. Both feelings are a necessary curriculum for fully sharing in the human experience.
You are sexual beings and there is nothing more connecting than the sexual experience. Another hope I have for you is that you are attracted to people who embrace and respect the responsibilities that come in choosing to be sexual. You have my respect for how you choose to experience this life giving gift that our creator has built into our bodies. I think it is human to desire the pleasures that comes with our sexuality. The more I have denied these emotions the more toxicity they have had in my life. It is yours to determine how to experience this pleasure, connect, and value your body. I do not value the Catholic institution's reaction to birth control, but I do understand that birth control is not a license for sexual liberty, but a guard against human irresponsibility.
I Love You.
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