I carry Spanish genetics and with this I share in the Imperial tragedy known as greed. I carry other genes, but the most embarrassing is Spanish. The memes have been diluted with humility and spirituality but the historical impact of my ancestor is a reminder of the stupidity that a part of me descended from. The Spanish established the first market for corruption, greed, and exploitation in these Americas.
The Spanish brought the maniacal qualities that corrode symbiosis like corruption, conceit, and reckless ambition. The Spanish introduced Jihad to the Arawak nation. This has since opened a thoroughfare for other injustices. The Spanish free for all seemed to normalize corruption and inhumanity, to the point of dehumanizing indigenous peoples. They propagated a sinful European culture of cheaters. This is not to lump the entire Spanish culture into the category of Imperialists. Interpretations of history tell us that at the time of Columbus, 98% of Spain was peasant class, meaning that the top 2% were royalty or the catholic church. It was the ambition of the these top 2% that financed and gave birth to the demand for what the Americas had to offer. Not too different from today's top percentiles.
I am dissolving the dogmatic structures that have calcified my cultural and religious joints to learn to extend my human appendages like collaboration, concern, community, and altruistic reciprocity. This dissolving of hardened memes is painful, discouraging, uncertain, and scary. It is an attempt at seeking forgiveness for the savagery of those I feel connected to in the past. And for today it helps me be an advocate against the same stupidity I recognize in today's elite percentiles.
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
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