"Feminists cycling and salsa...ing for social justice"
Last night while enjoying "En-Joy" I got an opportunity to talk with three inspiring women, Ashley, Alley (Alison), and Stephanie. Marble brewery has a patio area where we sat together having a brew and listening to some amazing beats. While sharing a table/picnic bench and some small talk Ashley revealed that they were sojourners. They are sprinkling their smiles across North America. From here the conversation grew into a deep sharing of ideas and experiences.
They were on a pilgrimage. I am fortunate to have crossed paths. I am reminded of women's wildness. Often wildness and adventure are reserved for men, but these three women represented the female passion for independence. We shared a longing to get to know what freedom feels like. So I am sharing them with this community. I hope they remind you all of how important it is to encourage our women to harness their natural feminine desires for adventure.
Free Wheel Women.....Keep your wheels free and turning
Que te vayas bien, mis amigas!
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
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