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What is it to be a Warrior?

This question was recently asked of me.

I'll start with representing it the only way I've ever known it.

it is stepping out of the child's mind, saying goodbye to mother and father, and walking alone into space, time, and the direction of old age.
it is embodying the will to walk out onto a battle field, away from comforts and convenience, to look across and see death, shake its hand, and know this is a battle I will lose.
it is taking inventory of my qualities, strengths, vulnerabilities, skills, knowledge, and allies, while rationing all of them to keep death on its toes, backing up, or chasing.
it is trusting fear enough to keep me safe, but not respecting it so much that it debilitates me.
in the end, what the fuck do I know what it is to be warrior.

I think a warrior never believes they are a warrior, but maybe just doing what needs to be done in the moment, without consideration for what it is to be a warrior.

I admire the warrior enough to pay attention to their post war message, that says to avoid war at all costs.

we are all times.