I'm not all bitter, though at times, I realize I move so furiously through my oppressed thoughts that I forget to remind myself of beautiful aspects to the human struggle and search for fulfillment. I think about the people my family has marginalized, discriminated against, or refused to have compassion for. I think about how I am judgmental, attached to materiality, impatient with ignorance, and hostile towards arrogance. I think about how easy it is to choose sides, knowing that choosing sides is my own laziness in understanding the other side, or as Jesus describes as enemy.
I long for a day when people actually value what they say and fulfill it with what they do. I guess I long for a day when I can move towards living my philosophies. I long for a day when taxes aren't needed because we no longer mistrust it as a tax but see it as charity. I also wait for day when capital gains are measure by how low our global poverty rate is. I desire a day when we give Javier the plasterer as much respect as Joe the plumber, by not calling him illegal, but collaborator. I value a day when we actually hold corporations accountable not only with dividends but by best practices, a day when their morningstar rating includes morality criteria. I wait for a day when the stereotypical Mr. Jones realizes he doesn't need to fence in 35 acres to feel like a man. I wait for a day when the stereotypical Carlos can wake up and have enough love in his heart to smile at the vato across the street versus sizing him up. This in a nutshell is me. All my judgments are small indicators for who I am, have been, and long to be.
There are American refugees who are bringing communal skills to this region as well. There are non New Mexican people who are equally longing for equality, freedom, and justice. There are a groups of American immigrants who bring life to our communities, invest in its people, need only what can be used, and profit only from connections. There are American immigrants who use as much if not less than they contribute back into the community. I am proud to know American immigrants who inspire me to live by dissipating Chicano qualities. This is proof that Chicano qualities are not native to the mestizo people of this region. The human qualities like compassion, altruism, simplicity, consideration and community are shared in every healthy community. I think the beauty about a healthy culture is that it can collaborate with other cultures, as long as there is reciprocity, as long as one culture doesn't need to win, lead, know, overpower, or control.
These American immigrants bring with them skills that are....I can only describe them as being...divine skills. These people have taught me how to feel my anger, hatred, and prejudice, without becoming it. A few are listed below:
Norbertine Community
Center for Action and Contemplation
Peace and Justice Center
Attachment Healing Center
Animas Valley Institute
New Mexico Parent & Child Resources, Inc.
As a Chicano, my grip on my history, ignorance, violence, struggle, and tradition is loosening. I see how a lot of American immigrants long for connection back to their ancestors, like true refugees.
"In this bright future you can't forget your past" -Bob Marley
You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
As much as I have worked through hate for Donald Trump I have not reached the depths of wanting him to suffer. An attempt on his life was ...
Part 3 Where did the ability to self abuse originate? If I take a critical look at the people in my barrios that perpetrated on the home...
There is a part of the Chicano culture that is ruthless. Even the slightest social struggle creates opportunity for deviance. My family wa...
Part 2 The darker aspects of my culture are simply expressions of communal pain. Without diving into excuses or reasons for class structure...