It is a struggle. I am reminded how today is not a remembrance but a reminder. I am reminded that America is like a cancer survivor. The disease survived is discrimination. We are not cured and everyday is a struggle to keep the overt and severe symptoms of discrimination manageable. discrimination is living among us and functioning in our major organs like justice, education, and civics. It isn't something in our past, like a healed injury. It lives today and is polymorphic.
So today I am reminded that I must exercise and manage my discrimination. I am a carrier of discrimination. Like diabetes I must make every effort to supplement the qualities that produce respect, dignity, and empowerment. I must not be lax in moderating my use of will power, tenacity, and individualism. I will remember the man Martin Luther King Jr. today but I will aspire to live a vision daily, because there is clear evidence that our disease is alive and thriving.
We are not at the mountain top, many are still dreaming, and we are still overcoming. There are still those who cannot sing the words free at last, free at last.