Rigoberta Menchú
Warrior of Peace
The gender philosophy in our species mirrors the depths of our self-awareness. How I see a woman and her roles in society are reflective of the level of respect, spite, and care I am willing to consider. Today is the birthday of a special woman. Rigoberta Menchú is a woman I have never met but have encountered soulfully by learning about her and from her writing. I mention gender philosophy because I have been taught dividing lines for what is feminine and what is masculine. She defies these boundaries. She in my eyes is a warrior and crosses my understood gender boundaries with ease. I acknowledge how powerful her voice has been. I admire her intelligence systems. She is a patriot for the country named "Dignity".
With this same message, I ask mystically for forgiveness for marginalizing the power of some women in my life. I apologize for dogmatically conforming to gender boundaries. I apologize for consciously and unconsciously believing I am smarter and better equipped simply because I am male. Rigoberta, I honor your warrior spirit, and I ask in a cosmic way for your blessing on this special day that revealed you to us.