Green Tunnel from Kevin Gallagher on Vimeo.
I am in an academic program that tells me repeatedly I am amazing and disassemble anything that discourages me from believing it. If I take this from a finite individual perspective and project it out inductively that we all are amazing, I can see the potential. I can see the potential! I am led to start asking myself not what problems can be solved but what benefit to synergy will solving this problem create. This might also lead me to ask what consequences will I gain from the void of this current problem. Most importantly I am beginning to re-frame the negative stigma that I have placed on the term problem. I am embracing the utility of problems. In that foolish and radical way I am trying to appreciate my problems, in a way that leads me to understand before solving. A problem may exist that should not be solved but integrated, avoided, or nurtured. I've got 99 problems but I value each one.
Go figure!
Take the time to keep the Internet unfilterred, uncensored, & open
Please contact your representatives and get the word out.
What is at stake
Some interesting legal filtering already in use in the from of take downs (copyright infringement).
Take down site
What is at stake
Some interesting legal filtering already in use in the from of take downs (copyright infringement).
Take down site
MLK is more than a day
It is a struggle. I am reminded how today is not a remembrance but a reminder. I am reminded that America is like a cancer survivor. The disease survived is discrimination. We are not cured and everyday is a struggle to keep the overt and severe symptoms of discrimination manageable. discrimination is living among us and functioning in our major organs like justice, education, and civics. It isn't something in our past, like a healed injury. It lives today and is polymorphic.
So today I am reminded that I must exercise and manage my discrimination. I am a carrier of discrimination. Like diabetes I must make every effort to supplement the qualities that produce respect, dignity, and empowerment. I must not be lax in moderating my use of will power, tenacity, and individualism. I will remember the man Martin Luther King Jr. today but I will aspire to live a vision daily, because there is clear evidence that our disease is alive and thriving.
We are not at the mountain top, many are still dreaming, and we are still overcoming. There are still those who cannot sing the words free at last, free at last.
So today I am reminded that I must exercise and manage my discrimination. I am a carrier of discrimination. Like diabetes I must make every effort to supplement the qualities that produce respect, dignity, and empowerment. I must not be lax in moderating my use of will power, tenacity, and individualism. I will remember the man Martin Luther King Jr. today but I will aspire to live a vision daily, because there is clear evidence that our disease is alive and thriving.
We are not at the mountain top, many are still dreaming, and we are still overcoming. There are still those who cannot sing the words free at last, free at last.
Microaggresion at it worst
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Indecision 2012 - Black to the Future | |||| | ||||
This man represents a core and fundamental perspective on poverty and welfare, unfortunately along many others. It is confusing to believe this man Newt has a higher education and at the same time prooves that accreditation does not equal quality. I believe that our communities do not have a consistent validating system for producing qualified leadership. And it gets even more complex when people argue that Newt is qualified by their standard. Oh and if you are not familiar with microaggression here is a gateway to the definition.
As a simple person, from a simple city, with a simple family, living in a simple home, struggling through simple stresses, I am thinking about open source forgiveness. I am wanting to describe the forgiveness experience. My goal is to understand what happens in my body that leads me to achieve forgiveness. What psychology can I tap into to create an economy for forgiveness? What biology can I leverage to justify the human quality of forgiving? I today declare war on the forgiveness process. How is forgiveness measured?
The research begins here
What is this indifference
I am extremely surprised by my resounding indifference. I am in a state where my emotions are just right. I am scared with the balance. I think it might be from a life time of feeling the need to act. I am receiving.
Two major thoughts that keep coming into my mind are the lifestyle and forgiveness. I am surprised at how when I think of these two I am pleased with my life experiences because I am excited about the type of lifestyle I have. I am far from embarrassed by who I am and what my family is. I am far from wounded to the point of threatened. The grace of circumstance, my resilience, my neighbors generosity, luck surfacing during my stupidity, trust in me, and forgiveness to and fro have led me to this space of gratitude. I am fully lazy with overwhelming energy to contribute to a well thought out risk.
I am comfortably angry. I see the stupidity in Aryan ideals because I recognize them in my Chicano pride. I see the misunderstanding of socialism in the lucrativeness of power. I see the weakness of the individual in the shortcomings of the community. I hear a resounding "Mexicans take jobs from Americans", and I look at the University and see how they are hiring so many from out of state. Outsiders are taking our jobs along with Mexicans, the legal immigrant is just as threatening. I am inspired by this anger but subtly, with comfort.
I am just sad for the system. I think I am seeing how sad and restless an immigrant people must be before feeling united. When I speak of immigrant people, I speak of the the generations of Americans who have benefited from the opportunity created here in this northern part of the western hemisphere. I recognize the selfishness of the root growing process. I see how the planted sapling is upturning boulders, obstructing sun rays, and rerouting streams. The rooting process is environment changing. Is this bad, unjust, or necessary? We will see.
For today I am growing my own roots hoping they find collaborative paths.
Two major thoughts that keep coming into my mind are the lifestyle and forgiveness. I am surprised at how when I think of these two I am pleased with my life experiences because I am excited about the type of lifestyle I have. I am far from embarrassed by who I am and what my family is. I am far from wounded to the point of threatened. The grace of circumstance, my resilience, my neighbors generosity, luck surfacing during my stupidity, trust in me, and forgiveness to and fro have led me to this space of gratitude. I am fully lazy with overwhelming energy to contribute to a well thought out risk.
I am comfortably angry. I see the stupidity in Aryan ideals because I recognize them in my Chicano pride. I see the misunderstanding of socialism in the lucrativeness of power. I see the weakness of the individual in the shortcomings of the community. I hear a resounding "Mexicans take jobs from Americans", and I look at the University and see how they are hiring so many from out of state. Outsiders are taking our jobs along with Mexicans, the legal immigrant is just as threatening. I am inspired by this anger but subtly, with comfort.
I am just sad for the system. I think I am seeing how sad and restless an immigrant people must be before feeling united. When I speak of immigrant people, I speak of the the generations of Americans who have benefited from the opportunity created here in this northern part of the western hemisphere. I recognize the selfishness of the root growing process. I see how the planted sapling is upturning boulders, obstructing sun rays, and rerouting streams. The rooting process is environment changing. Is this bad, unjust, or necessary? We will see.
For today I am growing my own roots hoping they find collaborative paths.
Mentioning MenchĂș
Rigoberta MenchĂș
Warrior of Peace
The gender philosophy in our species mirrors the depths of our self-awareness. How I see a woman and her roles in society are reflective of the level of respect, spite, and care I am willing to consider. Today is the birthday of a special woman. Rigoberta MenchĂș is a woman I have never met but have encountered soulfully by learning about her and from her writing. I mention gender philosophy because I have been taught dividing lines for what is feminine and what is masculine. She defies these boundaries. She in my eyes is a warrior and crosses my understood gender boundaries with ease. I acknowledge how powerful her voice has been. I admire her intelligence systems. She is a patriot for the country named "Dignity".
With this same message, I ask mystically for forgiveness for marginalizing the power of some women in my life. I apologize for dogmatically conforming to gender boundaries. I apologize for consciously and unconsciously believing I am smarter and better equipped simply because I am male. Rigoberta, I honor your warrior spirit, and I ask in a cosmic way for your blessing on this special day that revealed you to us.
A Cold isn't just a Cold
Can a cold be a messenger? In this cosmos of receptors, signals, illuminators, and inertia, I feel way too philosophical considering that my current cold holds meaning. I am an existentialist, oddly a happy one, but none the less, I look for meaning in almost everything. Life just seems more rewarding when I can find reason and purpose in existence. Especially, when I apply it to people. So is this cold simply a collection of germs that have outwitted my immune system, or are they projectiles illuminating themselves, signaling how they want to be recognized, conspiring with my receptors, slowing my inertia towards that great ball of ego fire. In my sickness I am forced to consider rest a priority. In my weakness I am reminded how special a helping hand can be. In my misery and discomfort I admire those who cannot afford to have a sick day and I can be grateful for the fortune of being allowed space to be cared for.
We have a new album to look for. One of my favorite artists..Martin Sexton. What a great way to open a new year! Social Justice is a lifestyle, and music is a reflection, a voice, and the sound for this lifestyle, decoration for who I think I am.
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You can’t assassinate closeminded-ness, only heal it
As much as I have worked through hate for Donald Trump I have not reached the depths of wanting him to suffer. An attempt on his life was ...
Part 3 Where did the ability to self abuse originate? If I take a critical look at the people in my barrios that perpetrated on the home...
There is a part of the Chicano culture that is ruthless. Even the slightest social struggle creates opportunity for deviance. My family wa...
Part 2 The darker aspects of my culture are simply expressions of communal pain. Without diving into excuses or reasons for class structure...