The healing of our minds from the delusions of tribalism is not something to heal but to reorganize so that we can learn to appreciate our differences, where today it seems to be a social Olympics.
It allows me to recognize that we are healing together but possibly still unable to recognize that disadvantage is not race based or limited to opportunity, but rather a consequence of greed and scarcity of access. We have not grown to ask why there are limits on educating and employing. When we account for how money is contributed to education, research, manufacturing and vocations we might begin to see that corporations make most of humanity a liability, a cost of production versus an asset. Even better would be to see all versions of humanity as cherishable and invaluable.
The sad aspect to these injustices is that we have not grown to separate the pain of prejudice and discrimination from the pain of exploitation. The Anglo cultures that appear to be expressing their marginalization or injustice seem to make the battle about the lack of care for their pain. These Anglo cultures who express marginalized seem to believe that they are being discriminated by the interventions put into place to protect the marginalized peoples of non-white heritage, disabilities, defenseless, or non-traditional. These Anglo cultures seem to be making the fight about whose discrimination is more worthy of political agenda. The interventions seem made out to be the dysfunction. There is strong resistance to understanding how these interventions can work, because it isn't addressing their marginalization. We need a creative way to see oppression through an ecological lens where we like to look at it through a economical lens.